Airphoria marked a groundbreaking milestone as the inaugural brand activation island within UEFN, presenting a dynamic and immersive narrative game for a two-week duration to commemorate Nike's "Air Max" day. The realization of this ambitious venture was a result of collaborative efforts between our adept team at Epic Games, Nike, and the third-party studio, Beyond Creative.

In the context of this project, my responsibilities were multifaceted:

  1. Upskilling Beyond Creative: I played a role in elevating the capabilities of Beyond Creative, enabling them to independently conceptualize and execute future brand activations.

  2. Creation of the "Shoebox Tower": I spearheaded the design and development of one of the island landmarks "Shoebox Tower".

  3. Various 3D Modeling and Texturing Tasks: Engaging in diverse tasks related to 3D modeling and texturing, I ensured the visual integrity and richness of the virtual environment.

  4. Various Shader Effect Development: Contributing to the visual aesthetics, I undertook the development of various shader effects, enhancing the overall graphical appeal of the virtual landscape.

  5. Lighting and Set Dressing: Responsible for the strategic application of lighting and meticulous set dressing,.

Nike airphoria

Airphoria Marketing poster.



ShoeBox Tower

Air Max Museum

Creation of modular escalator that adhered to game budget and allowed for seamless panning texture animation

Creative Shaders